Protect yourself and loved ones with...

Primerica Secure-Auto and home-

Get competitive rate quotes in 10 minutes or less, Shop among top‑rated insurance providers to help you find great coverage for your money

Primerica Legal Protection Program

Get legal advice 24/7 with plans starting as low as $26/mo plans include traffic violation advice and also legal representation on cases covered under your plan.


Primerica protects your financial assets, while Vivint Smart Home protects your home and personal assets, to create more peace of mind than ever before

Build Credit while saving with...


Everyone deserves a fair shot at financial opportunity. We designed a credit builder that's affordable and accessible, with over hundreds of thousands of customers. Kikoff has been featured in Forbes and Credit Karma. Even Steph Curry is an investor!
No credit check
No hard pulls required
Starts at $5/mo
Cancel anytime


Your payment performance is reported to TransUnion®, Equifax®, Experian®, Innovis®.
Track your FICO® Score, the score most widely used by 90% of top lenders.
Protect the credit you're building from identity theft and data breaches.
Earn up to $1,225 in rewards. Get 1% back for loans and up to $75 for credit cards.
Better credit makes owning a car and home possible, with higher odds for approval.
Lower your monthly payments with better rates when you have a higher credit score.

Invest in YOU!

Identity Theft Defense

Includes Monitoring of your SSN, Credit Cards, and Bank account or breach of. A consultation for a complete picture of Identity theft and also Restoration if Identity theft does occur

Life Insurance

Coming Soon...

Investment account

Coming Soon...